Message from the CEO
Worthgold Publishing is the agent for and publisher of the works of Composer, Visual Artist and Writer Carol Worthey .
Worthgold Music is registered with performing rights organization Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI). Carol has been associated with BMI since 1978.
"Today we're thrilled to release Carol Worthey 's new children's book: "BLUEBERRY ESCAPADES" . You can read all about it below!
" Carol Worthey 's career continued to expand this past year. Each year her art works are viewed and musical works performed for larger audiences all over the world.
"Pianist Stanley Wong played and premiered works in Hong Kong. A new country, Spain was added when two of Carol's works were premiered in Alicante by pianists Daniel Curichagua and Victoria Marco as well as violinist Miguel Garcia Sala . Chinese pianist Helen Lin world-premiered two Worthey works in Beijing, then took them on-the-road to venues in seven other cities in China.
"Carol also completed a number of new compositions. "Pavane Gitana" for Solo Piano was completed then adapted into a passionate Violin/Cello Duet. The piano version is set to be premiered this year. Seven additional new works have flowed from her avid imagination, accompanied by visual works to grace their covers. These new works are collected into a fun set of recital pieces for intermediate pianists — "Western Romance Suite" includes such evocative titles as "Big Sky Montana" , "Sawdust Saloon" , "Cowpoke Serenade" and "Tipsy Sidekick." On the choral scene, Carol's twelve musical portraits of each month painted in musical colors and textures that depict the characteristic moods, changing weather, special holidays and unique feeling of each month, "A Choral Calendar" still awaits its first performance. The first movement of a new string quartet "Tree-Rings: Redwoods" is currently being rehearsed. Many other of Carol's musical works are garnering multiple performance throughout the United States. Carol has, of course, created visual art works to grace the covers of all the new compositions which is a Worthgold Publishing tradition. Ms. Worthey currently finished the expansion of her "Romanza" work into a single movement Concerto for Solo Violin and String Ensemble, (premiere performance to be announced soon).

"Many of the above works are now available to be appreciated on Carol's website, but alas, many more remain that yours truly has not had the time to render on the web — Events remain backlogged. View Past and Upcoming Events
"Carol has had quite a busy year!"
Book Release
Do you believe that Blueberries have influenced Human History?Of COURSE NOT!
Well, you're in for a surprise or a lot of reading pleasure! Author (and illustrator) Carol Worthey has an active imagination but is generally regarded as quite truthful.
Still, one fine day Carol claims she met... [ Spoiler Alert ] ...a grandfatherly Blueberry in her yogurt who shared with her seven hilarious, wild and page-turning "historical accounts" about how Blueberries have made their mark on Human History!
Meet Homer Blue and his rambunctious tales about how Blueberries have contributed to Major Inventions, Ancient Civilizations, Royalty, the Gold Rush, Pirates, Ninjas and even Space Travel!
Inspired by Homer Blue's colorful storytelling, the Author has embellished the book with Full Color Illustrations — to pleasure your eyes as well as your heart and mind!
Here's a book for Young and Still-Young-At-Heart! Just don't look too closely at the Blueberries in your muffins. I know. They're DELICIOUS! But then again, SO ARE THESE STORIES!
Book Release
In 2021 renowned composer/painter/writer Carol Worthey gathered together an anthology of her poems celebrating the resilience of the human spirit, More Grand Than Mountains garnering high praise from writers and readers the world over.In the year 2022 the resilience of the human spirit was tested once again with lock-downs and conflicts. Time and time again Carol has noticed that "a poem comes to you when you need it" — now the need for connection and hope became even more intense.
One fine day, like a feather on her shoulder, a poem landed her way: The Meaning of Birds became a cry in the wilderness, a call for courage and revitalization. It was the spark for Carol's second poetry book you see here, a bird's eye view of the world and a vantage point for hope to thrive once again: The Meaning of Birds.
Book Release
How does one create a life worth living and make living itself a work of art?Does love vanish into nothing when it seems to go? What to do when you feel low? What makes creating beauty or connecting with nature so revitalizing? How to put forth more generosity of spirit while retaining your own truth?
—— An uplifting resource for eye, mind and heart enriched with color illustrations.
Book Release
'What GOOD is POETRY?' asks the Poet — then somehow the Poet SHOWS us.'A poem comes to you when you need it,' she says. (Whether in your own words, or in another's.)
Let these poems take you to a panoramic view of life and love, tears and triumph, moments we've all undergone as we challenge the very resillence of the Human Spirit.
There will be a Poem here (or two) that has your name on it. ...Maybe more.
Come with the Poet to a new vantage point.
Book Release
Writers are observers.Yes, of course, wordsmiths and storytellers, but first and foremost, writers are observers.
In this collection of First Person Singular stories you will meet the Person who is First in my heart and (you will discover) quite a Singular individual.
From the first moment I sat across from Ray Korns, bathing in the freshness of his storytelling, I have observed him to be wise, whimsical... and altogether wonderful.
Call me prejudiced—I am after all (as good fortune would have it) married to the dude—but please recognize that a wife who is herself an observer and a writer is perhaps the toughest critic (read: editor) one can encounter.
Created with love and tenderness originally as Christmas gifts for friends and family, the first half-dozen stories are like a batch of fresh cookies! Hot, delicious and ready to be "snarfled" in one bite. Continuing to bake (bread this time?) Ray put six more into the oven, then popped one more into this edition, the way the old bakers used to do, a Baker's Dozen just for luck.
Happy Reading!
Book Release
A rollicking good story and an epic allegory about the "little man" caught in the greedy machinery of today's world, hungry to make a difference. This far-flung fantasy adventure tale for the Child Within Us All unites a resourceful eight-year-old girl Zoe with mischievous Crumb (an orphan breadball raised by wise Breadbox and taught to read), Nefertiti the cat, Whisk the Dog Whiskerer, and a brilliant Bee in a quest to solve a Riddle that might help to save our endangered pollinators! Two dysfunctional families bond and a grotesque villain is revealed as the Riddle begins to make sense bit by bit, driven by a purpose greater than any of these characters could guess at the start. Fusing mystery, childhood wonder, passionate concern for our environment and sheer poetry.
Book Release
Fen Dathrod is a proud young man bullied in Prison School to the point of deep self-doubt. He's been troubled by noticing oddities around him — something is off on Dactoes — anomalies in the unpredictable, cruel or cowed behavior of his schoolmates. To make matters worse, he's the last of a Clan held in utter contempt and lowered to bottom status for reasons that just don't add up. Fen is a mass of contradictions, keenly bright but awkward, insatiably curious but reluctant to take action, passionate about uncovering secrets but terrorized by what these secrets might reveal. He's certainly an unlikely candidate to take on any CHALLENGE, leave alone one that might determine what will happen on a planet held in numbing thrall. Then there's the spunky and intriguing Charin, a beauty who hardly wants to be seen with Fen — quite another challengeCommissioning Music
The important thing to know about any commissioning project is a clear idea of what one wishes to accomplish. This idea sets the tone, tenor and scope of the entire project. Other considerations such as instrumentation or voicing, length, ability level required to perform the work as well as delivery and performance date naturally follow. More...
Fine Art Commissions
The successful commission is collaboration between the Artist and the Collector. Project success hinges on your working relationship with the Artist. Communication is the key. More...
Carol Worthey's News Blast!
-- News! --
CAROL'S MUSIC TOURS CHINA Concert Pianist Helen Lin made an extensive tour throughout China. The tour began in Beijing at the Central Conservatory of Music where Ms. Lin premiered two Carol Worthey solo piano works "Fantasia" and "Pastorale" . Helen played encores of both works in Jinan, TaiAn, Weifang, Chingzhou, ZiBuo, Zhou Village, Shenzhen, and Zhaoching.
On International Woman's Day VALENTINE SAMPLER premiered in Alicante, Spain! The delightful piano duo QuaTTro, Daniel Curichagua and Victoria Marco , featured the World-Premiere of Carol Worthey 's "Valentine Sampler" for Four-Hand Piano
BILLOWING BEAUTY An installation of moving sculptures and music Sculptures by Anne Ferrer Music by Carol Worthey Curated by Ed Rubin The Lab at the Roger Smith Hotel 47th & Lexington, New York City
A MUSICAL BANQUET in Pacific Palisades, concluded with Carol Worthey 's lyrical and lilting "A Simple Ditty" for Flute and Piano performed by Flute virtuoso Aleksandr Haskin and pianist Mary Au .
The FACEBOOK FRIENDS CONCERT in NYC! This was more than a concert and the Violin / Piano premiere of 'Romanza' — this was a music event with its pulse on what's happening in the world of global communications. For more details just click here.
The Weiss Family Woodwinds gave an extraordinarily perfect World Premiere performance of Carol Worthey 's "Sandcastles" for Flute, Oboe and Bassoon at USC. Flutist Dawn Weiss (who commissioned the work), Oboist David Weiss , and Bassoonist Abraham Weiss can be heard in this performance by clicking here.
RUSSIAN SCENES World Premiere Masterful Cellists Ruslan Biryukov and Maksim Velichkin presented an unforgettable world-premiere of Carol Worthey 's eight "Russian Scenes" in a performance capturing the total spirit and nuance of each scene. The two Rostropovich proteges took the audience on this musical trip with their dramatic and comedic flair, sheer virtuosity and beautiful sensitivity.
Violist Karen Elaine and Pianist Nadia Shpachenko premiered Carol Worthey 's work "Lament for Viola & Piano" with two performances on the same day. You may hear the premiere performance by clicking on this item.
Concert pianist Beth Levin world-premiered Carol Worthey 's 'Romanza' at Philadelphia's Settlement Music School "Distinguished Alumni Concert" on November 8th. Not a pin dropped nor a cough echoed in the audience to mar Levin's passionate, delicate and tender portrayal.
Tubist John Van Houten world premiered two solo tuba pieces of Carol Worthey originally written for double bass in two concerts in October 2009. "Grandpa Reminisces" was portrayed with the sensitivity, tone color, phrasing and lyricism she intended. With her final work, "Cool Cat" , John came on stage sporting an Ed Norton-type slouchy hat and sunglasses and played complete with finger snaps, cat's meows, and other hilarious antics.
Carol's tranquility series of paintings are now available to order as fine art quality giclée prints at The Tranquil Moment . These paintings were so popular we have had to create a separate website.
Carol's mermaid series of paintings are now available to order as fine art quality giclée prints at Mermaid Mystique. You can visit this magical world by simply clicking here!
Click on any news item for additional details, soundbites and photos.